
January 2019

  • Congratulations to Johanna Schwartz who won first prize for her poster, titled “Multimaterial Actinic Spatial Control (MASC) Digital Light Processing Additive Manufacturing” at the University of Wisconsin Workshop on Additive Manufacturing. The workshop featured talks and posters from university experts across all fields relevant to additive manufacturing, as well as several participants from local industry, national labs, and DoD labs. The poster session was judged collectively by all participants, and Johanna’s poster was selected to receive the first prize award. Big thanks to Midwest Prototyping for sponsoring the poster prize.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


September 2018

  • The Group welcomes Dr. Jianxun Cui as a new postdoctoral researcher!

August 2018

  • AJB, Chang-Uk Lee, and Johanna Schwartz each attended the ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA. Several talks all around and some great symposia. A big thanks to all the organizers.

July 2018

  • AJB and Mochi arrive safely in Madison after 2.5 days of driving.

June 2018

  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Washington. Big thanks to Prof. Mike Haley for the invitation.
  • AJB and Brock Lynde gave presentations at the ACS NORM Meeting at PNNL. Special thanks to Dr. Phillip Koech and Dr. Deepika Malhotra for organizing a great symposium!
  • AJB presented a talk at the 4th Functional Polymeric Materials Fusion Conference. Johanna Schwartz, Pengtao Lu, and Tori Kensy also presented posters on their research.
  • CONGRATULATIONS to Tori for taking home the first-place poster prize from the conference!

May 2018

  • Laura Pascual and AJB presented talks at the spring ECS meeting in Seattle.

April 2018

  • AJB participated in the ACS Puget Sound Chapter Younger Chemists Committee event. The local event facilitated discussions to help high school and community college students make successful transitions into 4-year colleges and universities.

March 2018

  • Dr. Chang-Uk Lee, Laura Pascual, Pengtao Lu, Tori Kensy, and AJB each presented at the ACS National Meeting in NOLA. Great fun a big thanks to all the organizers.
  • CONGRATULATIONS to Tori for winning the Wiley Polymer Science poster prize at the Sci-Mix!
  • CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Chang-Uk Lee, whose presentation was selected as a the “Best Presentation” of the symposium!
  • AJB gave an invited seminar at Ohio State University. Special thanks to Prof. Christo Sevov for the invitation and for putting together a great visit.

February 2018

  • Congratulations to Brock Lynde for passing his 2nd-year graduate exams!! Way to go, Brock!
  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Special thanks to Prof. Tehshik Yoon for the invitation.

January 2018

  • BCI, a startup company founded on the Boydston Group’s metal-free ROMP technology, is awarded an NSF STTR Phase I grant. We are grateful for the generous support and excited to move this technology forward.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Chang-Uk Lee on having his paper accepted for publication in Macromolecules!
  • AJB presented a seminar at UMass-Amherst. Special thanks to Prof. Todd Emrick for the invitation.


January 2017

  • Laura Pascual, Adam Goetz, and Adrienne Roehrich  ring in the New Year with a manuscript accepted for publication in Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Congrats, Laura!
  • Congratulations to Johanna Schwartz, who was chosen to receive the Nicole A. Boand-ARCS Foundation Endowed Fellowship in Chemistry.
  • AJB has been selected to join the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Macro Letters.
  • The Boydston Group gratefully acknowledges Amazon Catalyst who selected our team for funding.

February 2017

  • Congratulations to Dr. Derek Church on his successful PhD defense!!

March 2017

  • AJB presents a seminar at Boston College. Special thanks to Prof. Jeff Byers for hosting!

April 2017

  • AJB and Johanna Schwartz presented talks at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

May 2017

  • Johanna Vandenbrande presented a research poster at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium.
  • AJB presented an invited talk at the symposium for the Society for Polymer Science, Japan. Special thanks to Prof. Yokozawa for the invitation!
  • The Boydston Group presented a booth at the Bellevue School District STEM Fair. AJB also presented and held discussion on one of the panels. An excellent event headed by Lisa Neshyba of Sammamish High School.
  • The Boydston Group welcomes Alexander Prossnitz, who is jointly advised by Prof. Suzie Pun. We’re excited for the Bioengineering expertise and deepened collaborative efforts.
  • AJB travels with the Strategic Research Initiative for Additive Manufacturing to Lawrence Livermore National Labs for a colloquium seminar.
  • The Boydston Group is grateful to the CoMotion Innovation Fund who selected our team for funding.

June 2017

  • AJB presented talks at the International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology in Chiba, Japan.
  • The UW 3D Printing Symposium (Additive Manufacturing and Functional Materials) will take place June 22-23, 2017. For more info, see:
  • AJB presented a seminar at Kanagawa University in Yokohama, Japan. Special thanks to Prof. Yokozawa for the invitation and wonderful visit.
  • Congratulations to Nasser Alrashdi for being selected as a 2017 recipient of the HUB Hall of Fame Award!
  • AJB presented an invited talk at the Polymers Gordon Research Conference. Thank you to Prof. Matt Becker (U. of Akron) and Prof. Brent Sumerlin (U. of Florida) for the invitation and for putting on an amazing conference.
  • Johanna Schwartz is profiled by Women in 3D Printing. You can read the full interview here.

July 2017

  • Laura Pascual and John Goldstone attended the International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis (ISOM XXII) in Zurich. Congratulations to Laura on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the symposium!
  • Congratulations to Pengtao Lu and Nasser Alrashdi on having their manuscript published in the Journal of Polymer Science!

August 2017

  • Johanna Schwartz is a featured alumna. See the profile piece here:
  • AJB and several group members presented talks at the ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC.
  • AJB presented a talk at the Molecular Foundry. Special thanks to Dr. Brett Helms for the invitation.

September 2017

  • AJB presented a seminar at Case Western Reserve University. Special thanks to Prof. Emily Pentzer for the invitation.

October 2017

  • Our collaborative team is awarded a multi-PI grant from the Army Research Office. This award will fund a multidisciplinary effort to investigate the interplay between object geometry and molecular-scale mechanochemistry in 3D printed lattice and microstructured materials. We’re excited to be jointly funded with Prof. Al Nelson (UW), Prof. Mark Ganter (UW), Prof. Duane Storti (UW), Prof. Nick Boechler (UCSD), and Prof. Stephen Craig (Duke). We are all greatly for the generous financial support from the ARO!
  • Congratulations to Carl Thrasher and Johanna Schwartz on having their paper accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
  • AJB presented a seminar Virginia Tech. Special thanks to Prof. John Matson.
  • AJB presented seminars at Tulane, University of Southern Mississippi, and Florida State University. Many thanks to all those who coordinated to make for a great tour! Especially Prof. Scott Grayson, Prof. Yoan Simone, Prof. Justin Kennemur, and Prof. Hoyong Chung.

November 2017

  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Chicago Institute for Molecular Engineering. Special thanks to Prof. Stuart Rowan.
  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Minnesota. Special thanks to Prof. Marc Hillmyer.
  • Dr. Chang-Uk Lee and AJB attended the Poly3D conference in Houston, TX.

December 2017

  • The Boydston Research Group is invited to lead problem-based learning exercises involving stimuli-responsive polymers and micelles at Sammamish High School.


January 2016

  • AJB presented seminars at the Air Force Academy, Colorado State University, and University of Colorado in Boulder. Special thanks to Prof. Scott Iacono, Prof. Eugene Chen, and Prof. Garret Miyake for hosting and arranging excellent visits.

February 2016

  • Congratulations to Pengtao Lu for passing his 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • Congratulations to Johanna Schwartz for passing her 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Akron. Special thanks to Professor Bill Landis for hosting a wonderful visit.

March 2016

  • Congratulation to Tori Kensy for passing her 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • AJB presented a seminar at Stanford University. Special thanks to Prof. Bob Waymouth and Prof. Yan Xia.
  • AJB presented a seminar at IBM Almaden Research Center. Special thanks to Dr. Jim Hedrick.

April 2016

  • Congratulations to Tori, Greg, and Derek who, in collaboration with Prof. Neal Yakelis, have had their paper on dynamic oxazine exchange accepted for publication in Org. Biomol. Chem.
  • Congratulations to the Metal-Free ROMP team for having their paper accepted in ACS Macro Letters. This work with Adam, Laura, Damian, and Kelli included collaborative effort with Dr. Dan Knorr, Jr. of the Army Research Labs.

May 2016

  • Congratulations to Laura on passing her General Exam! Next stop, PhD.
  • AJB has been named a 2016 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar.
  • AJB presented a talk at the inaugural 3D Printing Symposium at the University of Washington. Special thanks to Prof. Al Nelson for the establishing the symposium. A big thanks also to Colleen Toomey, Lily Ly, and Alexandra Colley for all of their work, as well as the student volunteers.
  • Chang-Uk Lee, Johanna Schwartz, Carl Thrasher, and Bo Cao all presented posters at the  UW 3D Printing Symposium.

June 2016

  • Postdoctoral fellow Chang-Uk Lee and graduate students Laura Pascual, Johanna Schwartz, and Tori Kensy gave presentations at the 12th National Graduate Research Polymer Conference. Special thanks to the University of Akron for hosting the conference.
  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher and CoMotion Mary Gates Innovation Scholar Nasser Alrashdi. With the support of the summer scholarship, Nasser will be investigating methods for implementing Metal-Free ROMP into various manufacturing technologies.
  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Johanna Vandenbrande. Johanna will be working on a number of projects aimed at integrating functional polymeric materials with additive manufacturing.

August 2016

  • The group welcomes new mascot, Mochi:

September 2016

  • The Additive Manufacturing subgroup had a blast participating in UW Dawg Daze.
  • Congratulations to Greg and Johanna whose work in collaboration with Prof. Mark Ganter, Prof. Duane Storti, Mr. Ben Weiss, and Dr. Di Zhang has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
  • The group welcomes Mr. John Goldstone to the team.
  • AJB is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.

October 2016

  • AJB attends the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Symposium at the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • Laura Pascual and AJB presented talks at the Electrochemical Society Meeting (PRiME) in Honolulu, HI. Special thanks to the organizers for a great conference.

November 2016

  • AJB presented an invited talk at the MRS fall meeting in Boston, MA. Special thanks to Prof. Susan Odom and Prof. Mitch Anstey for the invitation and for organizing an excellent symposium.

December 2016

  • Congratulations to Derek Church and Chang-Uk Lee, whose paper in collaboration with Prof. Neal Yakelis (PLU) and Prof. John Toscano (Johns Hopkins University) has been accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congrats to the team!
  • The group welcomes graduate students Daniel Lee, Brock Lynde, and Troy Becker.
  • AJB and 2LT Carl Thrasher gave presentations at the Air Force Research Labs. Special thanks to Dr. Michael Durstock for arranging and hosting our visit.


January 2015

  • AJB presented a seminar at Pitt. Special thanks to Prof. Jill Millstone for the invitation and for hosting.
  • Kelli and Adam’s paper is selected as an ACS Editor’s Choice article with open access!
  • Kelli and Adam’s paper on Metal-Free ROMP is highlighted in C&E News.
  • The New Year is off to a great start: Kelli and Adam have their communication on Metal-Free ROMP accepted for publication in JACS. Congrats to the team!

February 2015

  • Kelli and Adam’s paper on Metal-Free ROMP is highlighted in Nature Chemistry and selected as a JACS Spotlight article.
  • Our paper on 3D printed mechanochromic materials is featured in UW Today.

March 2015

  • Johanna Schwartz has won a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Johanna!!
  • Kelli Ogawa, Greg Peterson, and AJB present invited talks at the ACS National Meeting in Denver.
  • Mike Larsen is presented with the Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied Polymer Science at the ACS National Meeting.
  • Greg Peterson’s poster is selected for the SciMix at the ACS National Meeting
  • PMSE symposium “Design Principles for Functional Macromolecular Materials” is a big success. Special thanks to the speakers, financial supporters, and co-organizers!
  • Our Conferences and Symposia grant is selected for funding by the Army Research Labs. Thank you for the generous support of our PMSE symposium.
  • Congratulations to Laura Murphy for passing her 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • AJB presented a seminar at Western Washington University. Special thanks to Professors Rob Berger and John Gilbertson.

April 2015

  • Our metal-free ROMP work is highlighted in Synfacts.
  • Our manuscript on 3D printed mechanochromic materials is accepted for publication in Rapid Prototyping Journal. Congratulations to the team, which includes Professors Mark Ganter and Duane Storti (UW Mechanical Engineering), and Professor Stephen Craig (Duke University).
  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Oregon (Go Ducks!). Special thanks to mentor and friend, Prof. Mike Haley, for a wonderful visit.
  • The Department of Chemistry team (Drs. Stefan Stoll, Jasmine Bryant, Colleen Craig, and AJ Boydston) was selected to receive the Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology.
  • Our single investigator grant is selected for funding by the Army Research Office. We are grateful for this generous financial support.
  • AJB presented a seminar at Dow. Thank you to Dr. Andrew Hughes for the invitation and for hosting the visit.
  • AJB presented a seminar at Penn State University. Thank you to Prof. Scott Phillips for the invitation and for hosting the visit.
  • AJB presented a seminar at Cornell. Thank you to Prof. Geoff Coates for the invitation and for hosting the visit.

May 2015

  • Congratulations to Dr. Kelli Ogawa on her successful PhD defense!! The Boydston Group’s first.

June 2015

  • Greg is awarded the 2015 Graduate Medal in Natural Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences. Congrats to Greg!
  • Kelli is selected as a finalist for the 2015 Reaxys PhD Prize. Congrats to Kelli!
  • Adam’s paper on the mechanism of metal-free ROMP of dicyclopentadiene is accepted for publication in JACS. Congrats to Adam!
  • Laura Murphy has won a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Laura!!
  • AJB presented a seminar at the Symposium on Polymer for Advanced Technologies (PAT2015). Special thanks to Prof. Tao Xie for organizing a great conference, and to Prof. Shiyong Liu for great discussions and generous hosting.
  • AJB was a discussion leader at the Polymers Gordon Research Conference. Thank you to Prof. Marc Hillmyer (Chair) and Prof. Matthew Becker (Vice Chair), and of course to “The Whale” for buying us each a beer.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Greg Peterson on his successful PhD defense!!

July 2015

  • Congratulations to Dr. Mike Larsen on his successful PhD defense!!

August 2015

  • Kelli and Adam have their Accounts manuscript accepted for publication in Synlett. Congrats!
  • AJB presents a seminar at the Army Research Labs. Special thanks to Dr. Dan Knorr and Dr. Steve Taulbee for hosting and arranging the visit.

September 2015

  • AJB presented a seminar at Washington University in St. Louis. Special thanks to Professor Kevin Moeller for the invitation and for hosting.

October 2015

  • AJB gave a talk at the International Symposium on Stimuli-Responsive Materials in Santa Rosa, CA. Many thanks to Professor Marek Urban and Professor Brent Sumerlin for the invitation and for organizing the symposium.
  • AJB presented a seminar at UC Santa Barbara. Special thanks to Professor Javier Read de Alaniz for the invitation and for hosting.

November 2015

  • AJB presented a seminar at UMass Amherst Polymer Science and Engineering Department. Special thanks to Professor Todd Emrick for hosting a wonderful visit.

December 2015

  • AJB receives a Thieme Chemistry Journal Award.
  • Laura, Damian, Adam, and Kelli have their paper accepted for a Cluster (special topics issue) in Synlett. Congrats to the team.
  • The group welcomes first-year graduate students Ashlynn Vander Meer, Carl Thrasher, Bo Cao, and Melissa Ryskamp.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Kelli Ogawa on her new position at The Dow Chemical Company.
  • AJB presented talks at the Pacific Polymer Conference in Kauai, HI. Special thanks to the organizers, Prof. Craig Hawker, Prof. Karen Wooley, and Prof. Joseph DeSimone.


January 2014

  • Mike’s latest communication is accepted for publication in JACS. Congrats, Mike!
  • Congratulations to Stephanie Wang who was selected to receive a Rowe Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry.

February 2014

  • AJB has been selected to receive a Cottrell Scholar Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement. We are grateful for this recognition of both teaching and research excellence, and for the financial support to continue in our endeavors.
  • Our research proposal to the Army Research Office (STIR: Short Term Innovative Research) has been recommended for funding. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

March 2014

  • AJB, Kelli, Mike, Greg, and Derek each presented at the 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, TX. Special thanks to Dr. Al Nelson (IBM Almaden Research Center) and Prof. Matt Becker (U. of Akron) for organizing the PMSE Young Investigator Symposium.
  • Congratulations to Alice Chu who was selected to receive a Mary Gates Research Scholarship from the University of Washington.
  • Kelli had a second communication accepted this month, this one to Chemistry Letters. Congrats to Kelli on the doubleheader!
  • Kelli’s latest communication is accepted for publication in Organic Letters. Congrats, Kelli!
  • Congratulations to Mike Larsen who has been selected as one of six finalist for the 2014 Eastman Chemical Award! Mike will receive financial support to present his work at the fall ACS National Meeting in San Francisco. We are grateful to the Eastman Chemical Company and PMSE Division of the ACS for their generous support.

April 2014

  • Greg Peterson and Laura Murphy participated in the Yakima Valley Science and Engineering Festival in Yakima, WA. Over 1,800 middle and high school students and 300 community members from the Yakima area were in attendance over the course of this two day outreach event. Greg and Laura ran a booth with demonstrations of mechanoresponsive polymers.
  • Mike’s work on the development of Flex Activated Mechanophores, and work in this area by Prof. Stephen Craig’s group (Duke University), were highlighted by Nature Chemistry. The article, written by Prof. Nancy Sottos (UIUC), describes our contributions, some current limitations, and also illuminates some exciting next steps.
  • Greg Peterson wins a Travel Award from the Department of Chemistry. The funds will be used to support Greg’s trip to Incheon, South Korea where he will present his work at the Collaborative Conference on Materials Research.
  • AJB presented a poster at the University of Washington’s Teaching and Learning Symposium. The poster described the process and outcomes of redesigning an introductory organic chemistry course to enable greater focus on applications of concepts and development of problem-solving strategies.
  • Greg’s paper, done in collaboration with Profs. Jeff Moore, Scott White, and Todd Martínez, is accepted for publication in Nature Chemistry. Congrats, Greg!
  • The group welcomes postdoctoral fellows Dr. Chang-Uk Lee and Dr. Yosuke Ashikari.

May 2014

  • AJB gave a presentation at the 2014 enLightning talks discussing the use of online resources to enhance live lecture discussion in a redesigned introductory organic chemistry course. The course redesign was facilitated by involvement in the UW’s Technology Teaching Fellows Institute.

June 2014

  • The group welcomes Amgen Summer Scholar, Thomas Bearrood. Welcome to the group!
  • AJB and Greg each presented talks at the Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research in Incheon/Seoul, South Korea.
  • Greg pulls the hat trick! His third paper this month was just accepted for publication in Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Way to go, Greg!
  • Greg’s paper is accepted for publication in Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. Congrats, Greg!
  • Derek’s and Greg’s paper is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congrats to the team!
  • AJB gave a presentation at the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference. Special thanks to Prof. Mike Serpe for the invitation and organization of the symposia.
  • The group welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Adam Goetz.

July 2014

  • We are excited to be a part of the team whose proposal to the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative was selected for funding. We are also grateful for the generous financial support from the RCSA to pursue this project.
  • AJB attended the Cottrell Scholars Symposium and presented a seminar on the use of in-class technology to enhance student learning.
  • Kelli’s paper in Chem. Lett. is selected as an Editor’s Choice article.
  • AJB presented a seminar at the Math Science Upward Bound seminar series. Special thanks to Dave Wolczyk for the invitation to participate. I look forward to seeing many of the faces in the crowd when they come study at UW!

August 2014

  • AJB presented a seminar at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Special thanks to Professors Brian Long and John Larese for coordinating the visit.
  • AJB and Mike Larsen each presented invited talks at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Special thanks to the organizers of each symposium.
  • Mike Larsen has been selected as the winner of the 2014 Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied Polymer Science! Way to go, Mike!
  • The group welcome summer graduate student Johanna Schwartz. Welcome to the group, UW, and city of Seattle!

September 2014

  • AJB presented a seminar at Case Western Reserve University. Special thanks for Prof. Emily Pentzer for hosting the visit.
  • Greg and Derek’s paper, in collaboration with Prof. Neal Yakelis of PLU, was accepted for publication in Polymer. Excellent work, and congrats to the team!
  • AJB presented seminars at Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Austin. Special thanks to the hosts, Profs. Karen Wooley and Lei Fang (TAMU), and Prof. Guangbin Dong (UT-Austin).
  • The group welcomes postdoctoral researcher Dr. Damian Dunford and undergraduate researcher Ashlynn Vander Meer.

October 2014

  • Kelli’s Highlight Review is accepted for publication in Chemistry Letters. Nice work Kelli!
  • AJB presented seminars on a southeast tour, visiting the University of Florida, Georgia Tech, Duke University, Virginia Tech, and the University of North Carolina. Thank you to all those involved in hosting and coordinating the visits.

November 2014

  • The group welcomes graduate student Pengtao Lu. Welcome to the team!
  • AJB has been selected to receive the NSF CAREER Award. We are grateful for the generous support of the group’s research and education efforts.
  • Greg Peterson was selected to receive a Graduate Student Merit Fellowship. Congrats!
  • AJB presented a seminar in the Program in Polymers and Soft Matter at MIT. Special thanks to Profs. Jeremiah Johnson and Niels Holten-Andersen for hosting the visit.

December 2014

  • Greg and Mike’s paper on 3D printed mechanochromic materials is highlighted in C&E News.
  • Congratulations to Alice Chu who was selected to receive a Zahlia Jencks Rowe Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry.
  • AJB presented a talk at the 4th Zing Polymer Conference. Special thanks to Profs. Brent Sumerlin and Eva Harth for the invitation and for putting together an amazing conference.
  • Graduate students Johanna Schwartz and Tori Kensy officially join the group. Welcome!
  • Greg and Mike have their paper accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. This project was done in collaboration with Professors Mark Ganter and Duane Storti. Congrats to the team!
  • AJB presented a seminar at Portland State University. Special thanks for Professor Dave Stuart for the invitation and hosting.
  • Congratulations to Alice Chu who was selected to receive a Mary Gates Research Scholarship from the University of Washington.


January 2013

  • Greg Peterson has been selected to receive a 2012-2013 Graduate Student Merit Fellowship for his academic and research accomplishments. Congratulations Greg!

February 2013

  • Congratulations to Kelli Ogawa for passing her General Doctoral Exam!
  • The group welcomes first-year graduate student Erika Buckle.

April 2013

  • Congratulations to Greg Peterson for passing his General Doctoral Exam!

May 2013

  • Congratulations to Mike Larsen for passing his General Doctoral Exam!
  • Mike’s communication on “Flex-Activated Mechanophores” is accepted for publication in JACS. Congrats, Mike!

June 2013

  • The group welcomes summer Amgen Scholar, Neha Ansari.

July 2013

  • AJB has been invited to present a talk in the Young Investigator Symposium of the PMSE Division of the ACS. The symposium will be part of the spring ACS National Meeting in Dallas, TX (March 2014).
  • The group welcomes graduate student Hira Khalid from the GC University of Lahore, Pakistan. Hira will be working on the development of stimulus-responsive polymers for triggered release of small molecules.

September 2013

  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Alice Chu. Alice will be working on elucidating some crosslinking mechanisms of amphiphilic polymers.

October 2013

  • Congratulations to Kelli Ogawa and Mike Larsen who were each selected to receive Graduate Student Travel Awards to present seminars at their respective alma maters. We’re proud to have them representing our group, department, and university.

November 2013

  • Congratulations to Kelli Ogawa and Mike Larsen who were each selected to receive a Graduate Student Merit Fellowship for excellence in academics and research.
  • AJB presented an invited lecture at the 8th International Symposium on Integrated Synthesis (ISIS-8) in Nara, Japan. Special thanks for Professor Jun-ichi Yoshida for the invitation and gracious hosting.

December 2013

  • AJB presented an invited lecture at the 4th German-Japanese Symposium on Electrosynthesis (GJSE-4) in Kyoto, Japan. Special thanks for Professor Jun-ichi Yoshida for the invitation and gracious hosting, and to Professor Waldvogel and co-workers for excellent discussions on electrosynthesis.
  • The group welcomes graduate student Laura Murphy. Laura will begin developing mechanoresponsive materials based upon flex activated mechanophores.


January 2012

  • AJB attended a workshop for mechanochemical transduction. Thank you to the sponsors and hosts for the invitation and opportunity to participate.
  • AJB presented at the January 2012 Ignite! event.

February 2012

  • Congratulations to Kelli Ogawa for passing her 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • Congratulations to Greg Peterson for passing his 2nd-year graduate exams!

March 2012

  • Congratulations to Mike Larsen for passing his 2nd-year graduate exams!
  • Congratulations to Derek Church for passing his 2nd-year graduate exams!

April 2012

  • AJB presented at the 2012 Symposium on Teaching and Learning.
  • AJB gets a mention in The Daily. Thank you to Sarah Radmer for the article.

May 2012

  • The group welcomes graduate student Zeran Wang.

June 2012

  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Dorothy Ackerman. Dorothy comes to us from Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, ID. There, she is majoring in chemistry and plans to receive her B.S. degree in 2013. She has received a prestigious Amgen Scholarship to conduct summer research at UW and will be developing new approaches toward thermally-activated polymeric drug delivery platforms.

July 2012

  • Mike and Greg have their Perspective Article accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Great work and congrats to both!
  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Tariq Jabaiti. Tariq will be working to develop catalysts for organocatalyzed redox reactions.
  • Congratulations to Eric and Kelli on having their manuscript (the Boydston Group’s first) accepted for publication in JACS. Way to go Eric and Kelli, keep it up!

August 2012

  • Eric, Kelli, Mike, and Candice each presented their research results at the ACS National Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

September 2012

  • Congratulations to Prof. Eric Finney who has taken a Visiting Assistant Professorship at Pacific Lutheran University.
  • The group welcomes undergraduate researcher Stephanie Wang. Stephanie will be studying stimuli-responsive polymers capable of mechanochemical transduction.

November 2012

  • AJB presented a seminar at the Keck Science Center. Special thanks to Professor Mary Hatcher-Skeers for coordinating and hosting the visit.

December 2012

  • AJB presented a seminar at UC-Riverside. Special thanks to Professor Vince Lavallo for coordinating and hosting the visit.
  • The polymer subgroup helped students at Sammamish High School prepare and evaluate stimulus-responsive block copolymer micelles as part of a special new program in problem-oriented learning. Sammamish High School is the recipient of a highly competitive Federal Investing in Innovation (i3) grant, which they are using to break new ground in science education and experiential learning. Our research team is grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to this exciting development!


January 2011

  • The group welcomes undergraduate student Se Ah Yoon and graduate student Derek Church. Mike, Greg, Kelli, and Derek each officially join the group.

February 2011

  • AJB presented in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UW. Thank you to Prof. Marco Rolandi for the invitation.
  • Congratulations to Gedion Yitref on being selected to receive an Amgen Scholarship!

May 2011

  • The group welcomes undergraduate student Marian Dobles.
  • AJB presented a poster and demos at the Wedgwood Elementary School Science Night 2011.

June 2011

  • AJB has received a grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) through the Doctoral New Investigator program. Our group is grateful for this generous financial support.
  • AJB has received a grant from the University of Washington Royalty Research Fund (RRF). Our group is grateful for this generous financial support.
  • The group welcomes undergraduate student Candice Cooper.
  • Dr. Eric Finney and Greg Peterson each presented posters at the ACS regional meeting (NORM) in Portland, OR.

July 2011

  • Our research proposal to the Army Research Office Young Investigator Program (ARO YIP) has been recommended for funding. We are grateful for this generous financial support.

August 2011

  • AJB and Greg Peterson teamed up with Dr. Chris Neils and Dr. Alyssa Taylor from the Dept. of Bioengineering to provide a seven-day Design Labs experience for students in the College of Engineering’s Bridge Program (partnered with the LSAMP program). Seven incoming science majors participated in a range of activities including polymer synthesis, mechanical testing, biodegradation studies, and instrument design/fabrication. This was an exciting opportunity to share our passion for science with future leaders in the STEM disciplines.
  • The Boydston group has returned from our first group camping trip at Deception Pass with >95% survival rate.

September 2011

  • AJB presented a seminar at Willamette University. Thank you to Professors Duncan and McFarlane Holman for hosting the visit.

November 2011

  • Congratulations to Candice Cooper for being selected to receive a Ciba Travel Award in Green Chemistry from the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute. Candice is one of four students selected nationally to receive the award, which she will use to attend the ACS National Conference in Philadelphia, PA in August 2012.


July 2010

  • The Boydston group has officially launched!
  • AJ Boydston has received a grant from the Washington Technology Center, in collaboration with Mike Banfield of SpringStar, Inc. and Prof. Antonino Ferrante of the University of Washington.
  • The group welcomes summer students (alphabetically): BeiBei Chen, Mike Larsen, Greg Peterson, and Madeline Wong.
  • The group welcomes summer students (alphabetically): Kelli Takaki, Sophia Tran, and Gedion Yitref.

November 2010

  • The group welcomes Dr. Eric Finney.
  • AJB presented a seminar at Pacific Lutheran University. Thank you to Professors Yakelis and Waldow for hosting the visit.

December 2010

  • AJB presented at the SERM of the ACS. Thank you to the PMSE Division and Prof. Scott Grayson for the invitation.