Congrats to Sarah for passing her RP! She is now a PhD candidate. We are very excited to see what she will do next!
3 Postdoctoral Research Positions Open in the Boydston Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Our research team has 3 postdoctoral research positions open. One is in the area of photoredox-mediated metal-free ring-opening metathesis polymerization (MF-ROMP), and two are in the area of vat-based multimaterial actinic spatial control (MASC) additive …
Congrats to Brittany for winning an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Undergraduate Research!
Congrats to Brittany for winning an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Undergraduate Research. She supported the department’s undergraduate research program while the director position was vacant, including organizing the departmental poster session at the end …
Congrats to Brittany for winning a PPG Travel Grant Award!
Congrats to Brittany for being one of the winners of the PPG travel grant to attend and present at an upcoming scientific conference. She secured $2500 in sponsored travel awards by submitting a “elevator pitch” …
Congrats to Harshal on winning first place for the TA Ragatz Awards!
Congrats to Harshal on being awarded first place for the TA Ragatz award. Awardees were selected by undergraduate students who received mentorship and teaching from these graduate students.
Opportunity for Undergraduate Research Starting July 2024
The Boydston group has an opportunity available for 1 undergraduate research assistant for polymer synthesis and scale up, starting July 2024. Research Topic/Tasks: Opportunity for an undergraduate student to do polymer synthesis and scale-up. We …
Congrats to Daria on receiving the Hilldale Fellowship and the Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Award!
Congrats Daria on receiving the Hilldale Fellowship and the Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Award! Daria will receive a $3000 scholarship for her undergraduate research work and up to $400 to present her work at the …
Congrats to Sarah on passing her thesis background exam!
Congrats to Sarah on passing her thesis background exam! We are excited to see what you will do next 🙂
Congrats to Dr. Lee on his most recently accepted manuscript to RSC Applied Polymers!
Congrats to Dr. Lee and our former postdoc, Dr. Jianxun Cui, on their publication, “Creation of three-dimensional composite architectures via high-intensity focused ultrasound inside of foams” which has been accepted to RSC Applied Polymers!
Congrats to Dr. Gitter on earning his PhD!
Congrats to Dr. Sean Gitter on defending his PhD dissertation, “Polymer Design Enabled by Catalysis”! Dr. Gitter will be working as a postdoc with Prof. Brent Sumerlin at the University of Florida. We are very …